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Mit Camping Tipps können Camper-Neulinge entspannt verreisen: Wie die junge Frau, die im Campingstuhl vor einem Tisch in der Sonne aufs Meer schaut und die Arme zur Seite streckt.
Mit Camping Tipps können Camper-Neulinge entspannt verreisen: Wie die junge Frau, die im Campingstuhl vor einem Tisch in der Sonne aufs Meer schaut und die Arme zur Seite streckt.

Camping for beginners: Camping tips & camping gadgets

Julia - Praktikantin bei CamperBoys
Article from Julia

Your first vacation with a camper: it's pretty exciting - but actually easy if you follow a few tips. Here you'll find our top recommendations for preparation, route planning and camping gadgets.

Trying out new things is cool. Trying out camping is especially cool. But as is the case with new things: They usually come with a lot of question marks - and perhaps a few worries. So that these quickly disappear into thin air and you can concentrate fully on the anticipation, we have collected the most important tips for newcomers to camping. From travel preparations, route planning and finding a pitch to the most useful camping gadgets.
Camping für Anfänger: Ein Pärchen steht an einem Zaun und schaut aufs Meer, hinter ihnen steht ein VW Campingbus mit der Aufschrift "leicht gemacht".

Tips for new campers

Camping tip 1: The right destination

The first step for any camping vacation is the choice of destination. This should of course be based first and foremost on your individual vacation wishes: Warm & sunny or rather Nordic, outdoor activities in nature, cultural adventures or lots of relaxation. Regardless of your vacation wishes, we definitely recommend starting with a closer destination for your first camping trip. France, Italy or Croatia, Austria, Holland or Denmark are all possible options. In other words, our many great neighboring countries with a short journey, good infrastructure and a great range of campsites so that you can quickly find your way around and feel at home. A trip within Germany is also ideal for camping for beginners. A first camper trip in warmer regions or at warmer times of the year is the most relaxed, as there are fewer requirements to consider than in cold, wet or frosty conditions.
Eine junge Frau beim Campen für Anfänger steht neben der Beifahrertür des Campers und schaut lachend in die Kamera nach oben, während ihr die Sonne ins Gesicht scheint.

Camping tip 2: How to plan your trip

'The plan starts without a plan' - this is often the epitome of freedom on vacation. However, it tends to be less advisable on your first camping trip. As a newcomer to the world of camping, preparing for your trip is even more important than it already is. If you start your vacation well prepared, you can save yourself frustration and stress - and enjoy the feeling of camping freedom much better anyway.

Route planning

Of course, you should always have a certain amount of flexibility when planning your route in case you get exhausted while driving or you want to stay longer in a particularly beautiful place than you originally thought. However, having as precise a plan as possible for your itinerary helps enormously so that you can spend as much time as possible on vacation with as little planning as possible. It goes without saying that Google Maps is our best friend when it comes to route planning. But two friends are better than one - and in this case, your second friend is a map - yes, a real map! 😯 Although we sometimes forget that they still exist, there are times when satnavs or cell phones fail on a trip. And that's when an analog map can be a real lifesaver.
Strom im Wohnmobil ist das A und O einer Camperreise: Ein Ehepaar sitzt im Wohnraum des Campers am Meer, unterhält sich und trinkt Kaffee.

Set stages & daily goals

Another tip: Plan in stages and consider how many riders you are traveling with and how much distance you want to cover per day. Here, too, we can recommend that you don't overdo it with the routes on your first camping vacation. This way, you can stop spontaneously at unexpected highlights that you discover along the way.
To arrive at your destination as quickly as possible, you can of course use the highway. However, for a slightly slower journey, it is also worth taking a detour on country roads and main roads. Another advantage: you often save on tolls and highway tolls. You should find out about these in advance, for example from the ADAC. In the ADAC toll portal, you can often even pay the toll in advance and save time on the route.
Another tip: If you pick out options for restaurants, snack bars or picnic spots for planned breaks in advance, this not only motivates you, but also avoids hangry fellow drivers.
Camper fährt durch den Sonnenuntergang

Select campsites

Once the day's destinations have been determined, it's time to research accommodation options. It's best to spend your first nights in your camper at campsites and designated pitches. The advantages of campsites are simple but convincing: there are sanitary facilities, electricity and water connections, a washing machine and a mini-market. And that makes camping much more comfortable. The fee charged at campsites is also an investment in a secure parking space. So you can explore the surrounding area with peace of mind and leave your camper van behind with a clear conscience.
You can also reserve campsites before your trip. If you want to be particularly well prepared, you can also find out about shopping facilities at the campsite or nearby before you set off. Our favorite apps for finding a pitch in this blog article.
Wild camping is great, but more for the daring or advanced. In most countries, wild camping is strictly regulated or completely prohibited anyway. And if you are caught, you often face heavy fines. So it's better to play it safe!
Die Campingplatzwahl ist wichtig beim Camping für Anfänger: Ein junger Mann in blauem Pulli sitzt auf dem Campingplatz neben seinem Camper und frühstückt mit Blick auf den Gardasee.

Camping tip 3: Packing made easy

The trip is approaching, the anticipation is building ... and now it's time to pack! If you've never traveled with a camper before, it doesn't hurt to take an extra day and proceed more or less systematically. With our camping packing list, you'll quickly have an overview of the right equipment for a successful vacation in a camper. When you book a campervan with us, the most important camping essentials such as cutlery & co. are included in your rental and many additional accessories can be purchased with a click. additional accessories can be added with just one click.
Another small but crucial tip, not just for new campers: after every break and before every trip, check that all doors and compartments are closed, that everything is stowed well and securely and that nothing is lying around that could fly around during the trip. A safe load = a safe journey!
in vollgepackter Off Ocean Camper

Camping tip 4: Familiarize yourself with the camper

It's loose! When you pick up your camper, it's best to take some time to familiarize yourself with the vehicle and get to know the functions. To get a feel for the bus, we recommend that campervan newbies get a bit of a 'run-in' and perhaps pick up the camper a few hours before the planned start of your vacation. That way, you can try out everything in peace and quiet and don't start frantically searching for the windshield wiper lever on the highway 😉. If you rent your camper from us, our team at the pick-up station will explain your camper model in detail with all the important features.

Camping tip 5: Camping for beginners with children

Perhaps the most important success factor when camping for a first relaxed camping trip with children is the choice of campsite at the vacation destination. Family campsites with playgrounds, swimming pools and sometimes children's entertainment are perfect for this. Lots of Tips for campsites with children can be found on our blog.
When planning your trip, it's important to bear this in mind: If you are camping with children, the stages of your route should be a little shorter and preferably covered in the early hours of the morning. This will save you the car journey in the summer during the midday heat, you will have more of your destination on the day of arrival and the little campers can get a good night's sleep on the way there.
Famiele spielt vor einem Camper

Camping knowledge: Power supply, water tank, chemical toilet & Co.

A vacation with a camper or motorhome is definitely more demanding than checking into a hotel. But if you familiarize yourself with the basic functions, you'll be well prepared for your vacation. In the following blog articles you will find basic knowledge about the functions in the camper:
Camping Wissen: Eine Frau mit grauen Locken fährt die Markise ihres Campers aus und lacht dabei.

Useful camping gadgets: 10 must-haves for your camping trip

Having the right camping gadgets with you is our last, but not least, tip for your first (and every other) vacation with a camper. We present 10 camping gadgets that can make your everyday life while camping easier:

Camping gadget 1: LED camping lamp

Ending a day's vacation in a comfortable camping chair in front of the camper: There's something to it - but not so much if you're sitting in the dark. Because campsites are often poorly lit, we no longer want to do without LED camping lamps as a useful camping gadget. They are lightweight and compact, and some can even be charged by sunlight or used as a power bank. For even more atmospheric lighting, a string of lights is also a good tip!

Camping gadget 2: Headlamp

Staggering around the campsite at night to brush your teeth or go to the toilet ... this is perhaps not the best part of a camping vacation. Equipped with a headlamp, however, it's a lot nicer. You'll always be able to see where you're going - and even have your hands free for your toilet bag and towel. Tip: Don't forget the batteries or charging cable!
Camping Gadgets: Eine Freundesgruppe sitzt am Abend um ein Lagerfeuer herum, im Hintergrund sieht man ihren Camper.

Camping gadget 3: Water bottle with filter

A water bottle with filter can be particularly practical if you are planning outdoor adventures on your vacation or going wild camping. With the camping gadget, you have a water bottle and water filter in one and pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, pathogens and other harmful substances are reliably filtered out of the water. The water bottles are also very light when unfilled and therefore fit perfectly in any backpack.

Camping Gadget 4: Scrubba Wash Bag for doing laundry on the go

Perhaps the most fancy camping gadget on our list: The Scrubba Wash Bag! It's as cool as it sounds, because it lets you wash your socks, underwear etc. on the go without electricity. Inside the compact, portable wash bag is a washboard that allows you to wash on the go in the bag without much effort.

Camping Gadget 5: Shower caps

Okay, the shower caps are probably the most random of the camping gadgets that we recommend to you. But also an underrated one. After all, you'll know the dilemma that arises when you come back from a trip with dirty shoes after your first camping trip. Either you get everything in the camper dirty or raindrops or small animals could get into your shoes if you leave them outside. Shower caps that you quickly slip over your shoes are the perfect solution!
Hier bräuchte man ein nützliches Camping Gadget: Eine Person hat ihre Schuhe auf der Treppe des Campers abgestellt und läuft barfuß durch die vom Regen nasse Wiese.

Camping Gadget 6: Packing cubes

Packing cubes are THE camping gadget for keeping things tidy in the camper (and when traveling in general). And that's why they're right at the top of our list of camping essentials. The bags keep your clothes neatly organized and you don't have to rummage through your entire bag when getting dressed and throw the whole camper into chaos. If you are traveling with a larger camper model, you can also stow your clothes in the lockers in no time at all.

Camping Gadget 7: Tension cables

The next of our useful camping gadgets that you may not have known you needed: tension cables! These are real all-rounders and can be used in a variety of ways. You can use them to secure your luggage for the trip and they also make a great washing line. Or as a fixation for the kitchen roll.

Camping Gadget 8: Foldable camping chair

A foldable camping chair is somehow the epitome of the camper we imagine. And rightly so! Because a foldable camping chair takes up very little space in your camper and is easy to transport to the beach. That's why this camping gadget should be part of your outdoor equipment for camping. If you book with us, your camper is already equipped with two camping chairs and you can book more. And maybe this will make you feel a bit more like a 'real' camper.
Ein Campingstuhl ist eines der nützlichen Camping Gadgets: Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen neben ihrem Off Camper mit Campingstühlen im seichten Wasser.

Camping gadget 9: Outdoor hammock

  1. Every decent camping trip includes at least a little relaxation. And a cozy hammock is perhaps the best way to unwind than anywhere else. By the way, if you are traveling with one of our campers, you can book a sustainable travel hammock from Ticket to the moon made of parachute silk for an extra charge of 3 euros per day.

Camping Gadget 10: Camping Multitool

Everyone knows them: That one person who has a pocket knife at the ready on every outing. Although it's usually only used for cutting apples, it makes you feel well-armed. A multifunctional tool is like a top-class pocket knife, so to speak. Knife, pliers, screwdriver or can opener: everything at your fingertips. A camping gadget that not only comes in handy for cutting apples when camping, but also in many other situations.
Eine Person liegt beim Camping am Bannwaldsee in einer Hängematte, die zwischen zwei Campern gespannt ist.

Camping for beginners & camping gadgets: Our conclusion

Our most important tip for camping beginners comes at the very end: don't worry and enjoy your trip! Preparation and planning are important before your first trip with a camper and our top 10 camping gadgets can really be a game changer when camping. But above all, camping is about one thing:
A great vacation - and simply being off the grid ☀️
Mann beim Camping vor VW Grand California an Küste

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