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Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen in Campingstühlen vor einem Lagerfeuer
Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen in Campingstühlen vor einem Lagerfeuer

Digital Detox on your camping trip – our tips

Verena Autorin
Article from Verena

Your smartphone is always in your pocket - even on holidays. But that can be stressful! A camping holiday is perfect for a digital detox: lots of nature, lots of fresh air and finally a chance to relax.

No appointments and....what's your definition of a great holiday?

Most of us would probably say: to get away from everyday life, relax and enjoy your freedom and time off. Don't even think about your stressful job, the constantly ringing smartphone or emails and notifications popping up. We want to get away from multitasking, slow down and enjoy a digital detox. Finally make time for ourselves, for others and foreign countries, cultures, adventures and the beautiful landscape.
Frau hebt die Arme in Hängematte neben See
But there's one travel companion that can really ruin such moments: the smartphone. In a survey by LMU Munich, 85 per cent of users said they always keep their smartphone close at hand. 87 percent of all Germans bring it on holiday so they don't miss anything. We check our work emails, reply to messages from those at home or check our social media feed. That's probably due to our deeply rooted fear of missing out on something. There is also a psychological name for this fear: FOMO. Us Millenials suffer from it. Something could happen at home or somewhere else in the world that we don't notice. And besides, we immediately have to tell the whole world what we're doing, where we are, what we're eating and experiencing because it could be of interest to someone
Frau macht Essen vor einem Campervan
Does that sound familiar to you? I'm guessing the answer is yes. Have you ever wondered which word all of us think of most often? That's right: ME.
Our world revolves solely around ourselves. And it's the same for others. If they don't hear from us they ususally won't mind. This thought might be sad but also relaxing. Because it simply doesn't matter what you do. You don't have to share it right away. It has long been proven that our constant digital consumption already leads to stress and lack of concentration at home. And when we come home from our trip from where we posted a thousand Instastories on the internet, we notice that our time there wasn't really that relaxing either. What exactly did we actually experience and appreciate? Nothing. That's a waste of the trip, money and time.
Drohnenshot von Camper neben See

Digital detox in your camper

The good news is: there is another way! Digital Detox is not just a trend but the important realisation that too much media consumption is bad for us. As much as the digital revolution helps us in our everyday lives we should simply put down our smartphones, switch off our laptops and leave our social networks alone. And what could be better for a relaxing break than a holiday in the great outdoors in your camper?
If you're thinking: "What? Switch off my mobile phone for the whole trip? Or just leave it at home? That's not possible!" - don't panic! You don't have to do completely without it while travelling. But if you can still vaguely remember your childhood holidays with your parents or grandma and grandpa, you know that there were no mobile phones. Photos were taken with the camera, the beautiful moments shared with the family. That's pure nostalgia!
But there are things you should definitely pack for your camping trip. You can find a list here.
Frau liest Buch in Campervan mit Aussicht auf See
We collected a few tips on how to make use of your time in the camper without your smartphone close at hand.
The classic travel guide
Today, Google is our friend and helper in all situation but you can also survive without it. How about using a map or the classic travel guide again? In these little books you'll find everything you need to explore foreign places and best of all: a travel guide even works with a poor internet connection! As an alternative to online and print travel guides you can just talk to the locals, you'll meet nice people and get the best insider tips.
The good old photo album
If you're wondering how to take souvenir photos of all the wonderful places without a mobile phone - buy a camera! And I don't necessarily mean the expensive SLR with touch screen. A disposable camera will do as well. Because the number of pictures is limited you'll think twice about choosing the right motif. This not only avoids time-consuming sorting out at home. You can also create a classic photo album again. It's super retro but also a lot of fun!
Write postcards
Of course, with an old camera you can't post pictures online on Facebook, Instagram and the like. How did we use to show friends and family our vacation spot? That's right, with postcards! So head to the nearest souvenir shop, pick out the most beautiful cards and just start writing.
Quality time
Thank goodness there is no TV in our campers. All the better to read a good book before falling asleep, play cards in the evening or simply look at the stars. How romantic!
Frau liest im Campervan Bett ein Buch

Tips to follow back home

Now you're coming back from your Digital Detox camping holiday deeply relaxed and refreshed - and you just have to go back to business as usual? No. A Digital Detox holiday should not only provide you with relaxation for a little moment but ideally give you food for thought in the long term. Of course we know that we're all dependent on smartphones and the like by now. This article wouldn't have been written if they didn't exist. They are our work devices. But there are a few tips and tricks on how you can limit digital consumption to the bare minimum at home.
At breakfast
Right after waking up in the morning or at breakfast most of us get out our smartphones to read the news or like the latest pictures on Instagram, right? Well, now you know which bad habit you should break. On average, it takes 21 days to change habits - today is day 1.
During and after work
When you're at work leave your mobile phone in your pocket or in a drawer. If you need your smartphone for important calls from clients turn on the ringtone or vibration mode, but don't put it on on your desk where you can see it.
And instead of checking the news and apps right after work to stay up to date, leave your phone in your pocket or at home once in a while. Pass the time on the train with a book or talk to the person sitting next to you.
Before falling asleep
A smartphone can perfectly be used as an alarm clock, it also tells you how much time is left before the alarm goes off in the morning. But many of us tend to just check Twitter or Instagram after setting the alarm and end up noticing that bedtime has become 45 minutes shorter again. There's a fairly simple solution to this: flight mode from a set time, for example 10 pm. You are effectively tricking yourself. And: Flight mode also protects you from mobile phone radiation at night and ensures a restful sleep.
Have a relaxing camping holiday!

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