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Unfortunately, family vacations are not always as idyllic as one would like. We'll show you how camping with the whole family can be a success
There probably isn't such thing as the perfect camping family. Because as nice as family vacations can be, there's also a lot of potential for conflict. Everyone has different needs - it can be even more difficult if several generations are on a trip together. Fortunately, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to make sure your relaxed camping vacation is a success and there won't be any tension.
Planning before pleasure
Campsites, leisure activities, ... - Anyone who rushes into a camping family vacation without a clever plan hast to expect trouble sooner or later. The whole family should sit down together and have a conversation before a campsite is booked or anything is planned to make sure everything runs smoothly and the needs of all family members are considered.
Important questions could be the holiday destination, campsite and leisure activities but also the duration. Do you prefer to go camping in Germany or should you go to France or Switzerland? Do you want to look at family-friendly campsites or are you looking for campsites that are close to nature? Do you want to spend your whole day outdoors or is there enough time for everyone to relax and read a book as well? Are you going on a weekend trip or will you be on the road for a whole week?
How you structure the discussion is up to you - you could all start by creating your own mind map and write down what you want to do on the camping trip. Then you can compare, talk about all suggestions and find a compromise in the end to ensure everyone is happy.
Small side note: Family members who are not as good at communicating or can't communicate at all yet should also be taken into consideration while planning the trip.
This is particularly important when you go camping with children: Take enough breaks on the journey! Anyone who has ever been in a car with children for a long time knows that it becomes exhausting after a while - for the children as well as for all passengers. So make sure to plan several breaks on your way to the campsite. That way, everyone can stretch their legs, go to the bathroom, or just get some fresh air.
Even if you're not travelling with children you should take a break every now and then, especially if you've already covered a long distance without stopping - that way you protect yourself and others.
Fun and games at the campsite
It was supposed to be sunny but now you're suddenly sitting in the camper while it's raining outside and you can't do any of the nice outside activities you've planned. No problem, of course remembered to pack card and/or board games for such a case. Perfect for killing some time in the camper! Whether UNO, Phase 10, Wizard or a completely different game - anything is better than collective boredom and moping.
Everyone needs some space
Especially on long camping vacations there's often the danger that the whole family feels like they don't have any privacy. Of course, there will be complaints at some point, because everybody also needs some time for themselves. So it's a good idea to give yourself and others a break from family time every now and then - with freshly refueled energy, you'll really appreciate and enjoy your time with the family again.
By the way, you can even schedule times for everyone to enjoy their alone time from the very beginning. Between your various activities or other plans, simply set a few buffers for staying on the campsite - it's that simple! And if someone needs a few more hours to themselves in addition to the planned downtime you'll surely be able to find a goo dsolution. Always stay positive and relaxed.
Preserve memories
Is there anything better than looking through a photo album page by page together and reminiscing years after a vacation? So one of you should definitely take a camera on your road trip to capture your best moments of glory. Whether you like it old school and fall back on an analog camera or if a modern digital camera or even smartophone captures your best moments is not important, it's ultimately about the memory itself.
PS: Don't forget to be present in the moment with your loved ones before taking pictures and capturing them. Happy Camping!