In addition to the Baltic Sea, Poland has many wooded areas and historic towns that are well worth seeing and - in addition - can be reached in a short time by camper from Germany. But what about camping in Poland? Is wild camping allowed and what needs to be considered? Here you can find all information on wild camping in Poland!
As in most European countries, this question unfortunately cannot be answered with a simple and unqualified YES: Free standing and wild camping is not officially allowed in Poland. Offences are punishable by a fine of up to €120 per person. However, there are some ways to spend a trip away from crowded campsites. If you ask and get permission of the owner it's usually easy to find a private property that can be used for overnight stays. However, you should still be careful in protected forest areas.
Since May 2021, the Polish State Forestry Enterprise ´Lasy Państwowe` has allowed wild camping by tent in 425 forest areas. You may also spend the night in a hammock or under a tarp. Please note that a group of 10 or more people must be registered with the forest administration. In addition, you are only allowed to stay in one place for two nights at a time. Campfires are only allowed in selected places and rubbish must not be left lying around.
Here you'll find a map to give you an overview of the designated forest areas.
It's important to note that wild camping in Poland in a campervan is not permitted despite these regulations.
So you could do a hybrid of camping and camping with a van by parking your camper at one of the designated 425 forest areas, spending the night in the forest with your tent and staying at a campsite on other days. Prices start at around €10 per night depending on the location and season.
There are also many landowners in Poland - such as farmers - who you can ask for permission to set up camp there. A positive side effect of this is that - as well as finding a campsite - you can easily get into contact with locals and learn more about Polish culture!
Alternatively, you can also contact the local municipality as you're sometimes lucky enough to be allowed to pitch freely.
A classic alternative is
Park4Night: you should make sure to do good research and treat nature with respect though.
Even though wild camping is generally prohibited in Poland, there are still ways to explore the country by camper. All the better if this is done as sustainably as possible:
It goes without saying that you shouldn't leave your rubbish lying around but take it with you and dispose of it properly. That's why there are always bin liners from
The Sustainable People in our campers. Waste water: there are waste water stations at most campsites. Please make sure to only use these as inappropriate disposal can cause great damage to nature.
Poland is an excellent country to spend a cheap holiday in, avoid the classic European holiday tourist crowds and get as close to nature as possible. For many, wild camping is one of the ways to turn their camping holiday into an adventure. However, it is understandable that Poland deliberately restricts this in order to protect wilderness and nature. You should therefore clearly respect the ban. It is best to find out in advance which region you would like to go to and whether you can carry out your favourite alternative to wild camping there. This way you can get a wild camping-like experience without breaking the local rules of Poland.