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Zwei Camper mit aufgeklapptem Aufstelldach stehen beim Sonnenuntergang auf einem Hügel, innen brennt Licht.
Zwei Camper mit aufgeklapptem Aufstelldach stehen beim Sonnenuntergang auf einem Hügel, innen brennt Licht.

Camper pop-top roof: advantages, retrofitting & tips

Julia - Praktikantin bei CamperBoys
Article from Julia

The pop-top roof: sounds banal, but it's a real game changer when camping! Because you can travel with a maneuverable camper that still offers plenty of space, flexibility and comfort. We'll tell you everything you need to know about the pop-up roof here.

Despite (or because of?) the rather dry topic, we are starting this blog article with a romantic thought: sleeping as close to the stars as possible when camping ✨ It's possible - with a pop-top roof! It's a super cool and pretty clever way to transform a once small campervan into a feel-good home on two floors and four wheels. This is because pop-up roofs create space, headroom and additional sleeping space in the camper. What different types of pop-top roofs are there? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is it worth retrofitting a pop-top roof? And what can you do if you have problems with your pop-top roof? Answers to these questions can be found here.
Ein Camper mit Aufstelldach am Straßenrand an der Küste in Portugal. Daneben steht eine junge Frau und schaut aufs Meer, während die Sonne untergeht.

The camper pop-top roof - briefly explained

Let's start at the beginning: A pop-top roof is a special roof for campers and motorhomes, which is usually made of tent fabric and can be opened or raised when the vehicle is stationary to create additional space. This allows you to stand upright in the vehicle. And if a roof bed is built into the pop-top roof, it also offers additional sleeping space. Some camper van models are fitted with pop-top roofs ex works, but if this is not the case, they can also be retrofitted. Camper vans and smaller motorhomes in particular are quite often fitted with pop-up roofs.
Fun fact: Did you know that in 1950, over 70 years ago, the legendary Bedford CA delivery van from British car manufacturer Vauxhall was already driving around with a fancy pop-up roof? We highly recommend you fire up your trusted search engine and don't miss the sight of this super cool vehicle 😉🚗
Das Aufstelldach eines Off Campers auf einem Berg, im Hintergrund sieht man Berge, Meer und die untergehende Sonne.

Pop-up roofs: an overview of the different types

The classic pop-top roof

The classic pop-top roof can now be found in many camper van models. Unlike the pop-top roof, only one side of the pop-top roof is raised, creating a 'sloping' triangular shape. Pop-top roofs are available in different versions, the most common being a forward-facing roof, so that you sleep 'in the direction of travel', or a rear-facing roof. This mainly depends on the layout of the camper: with rear kitchens, it is practical to have the pop-top roof facing backwards in order to have more headroom for cooking in the rear of the camper. If the cooking area is at the front, a pop-top roof that opens at the front makes more sense. Side-opening roofs are now less common - partly because the tent bellows are then more exposed to the weather.
Ein Vater hängt mit seiner Tochter die Wäsche an der Wäscheleine neben ihrem Camper mit Aufstelldach auf.

The lifting roof

A pop-top roof is similar to a pop-up roof, but is set up vertically. In contrast to the classic pop-up roof, it is not connected to the front or rear of the vehicle. Lifting roofs are rarely designed as a sleeping roof. However, they also offer additional headroom and headroom in the cooking and living area. And are therefore great for more space in campers that are rather cramped.

The high roof

In contrast to the other two variants, a high roof is permanently mounted on the camper and therefore offers more room height, storage space and often additional sleeping space. As it is permanently installed, it is better insulated than a pop-top and lifting roof, but also increases the air resistance and therefore the fuel consumption of the vehicle. Campers with a high roof, like our favorite California (VW Grand Califnoria) are therefore perfect for longer trips with more luggage or vacations in colder regions.
Das Camper Modell Grand California mit einem Hochdach und der Aufschrift "Off we go , fotografiert an der Küste.

Camper with pop-top roof: advantages

What makes pop-top roofs so practical and great? We have summarized the advantages at a glance:

➕ Additional sleeping space

The biggest advantage of a pop-top roof is probably the additional sleeping space it provides. With usually two additional sleeping options, the number of people who can sleep in the camper often doubles directly. Campers with a pop-top roof, for example, easily offer space for a family of four, as the roof bed is particularly suitable for children.

➕ More space & comfort in the camper

A pop-top roof also creates additional headroom and freedom of movement, making it much more comfortable to stay in the lower part of the camper. After all, being able to stand upright in the camper when cooking or changing is a real game changer!

➕ Hardly any change in vehicle height

The great thing about the whole thing is that the extra space is only there when you need it - and then simply disappears when you don't need it. When the pop-top roof is closed, your camper remains low, streamlined and super suitable for everyday use. This is because it is only a few centimetres higher than it would be without the roof. This is particularly practical because your camper will still fit in garages or underground garages, you don't have to pay attention to the height of your camper when looking for a parking space or you often pay cheaper rates for ferry crossings.
Ein Mann und eine Frau kochen an einem Campingtisch vor ihrem Camper

➕ Lower fuel consumption

When the pop-top roof is folded in, your camper is aerodynamic - and therefore consumes less fuel. The environment and your wallet will jump for joy.

➕ Better ventilation

Many pop-top roofs are equipped with windows or ventilation slits that allow the air in the vehicle to circulate better. They often also have a mosquito net to keep unwanted midges out of the camper.

➕ Great views

A pop-top roof, at least one with windows, also promises a special kind of outdoor experience because it simply feels more like being “outside”. We've already mentioned the proximity to the stars ✨ , but thanks to the convertible function, you can also enjoy a great all-round view from the roof tent and really take in the view of the surroundings in scenic areas. Like here, for example:
Vorteile Aufstelldach: Eine junge Frau sitzt aufrecht im Aufstelldach ihres Campers und schaut durch das Fenster nach draußen auf die Berglandschaft.

Camper with pop-top roof: disadvantages

Despite all these advantages, a camper with a pop-top roof is not ideal for all purposes. These disadvantages need to be considered:

➖ Winter camping with a pop-top roof

Because the foldable walls of the pop-top roof consist only of tarpaulin (bellows), they have poorer thermal insulation than fixed interior walls in the camper: warm air escapes quickly through the fabric. You should bear this in mind when traveling to colder regions or during the cold season. Fortunately, there's an easy solution to this, however, because with so-called covers or caps for your pop-top roof, you're also well equipped for cold temperatures. Fabric hoods are pulled over the pop-top roof. This creates an insulating layer of air between the tent and the cover, which can provide pretty good thermal insulation. The cover also keeps rain away from the tent bellows, keeping the pop-up roof dry. Incidentally, you can purchase this type of roof tent insulation directly from us when you rent a tent with your rental.
Nachteile Aufstelldach: Ein Camper mit grauer Dachzeltisolierung um das Aufstelldach steht beim Wintercamping auf einer mit Schnee bedeckten Straße.

➖ Dependence on the weather

Even apart from winter camping, you are more exposed to weather conditions in a camper with a roof tent. In strong winds or rain, it can get a little uncomfortable in the roof tent. And if the roof gets wet, you should let it dry as soon as possible, otherwise the fabric can start to mold.

➖ Risk of burglary

Because a pop-top roof is usually “only” made of tent fabric and has easily accessible windows, the risk of burglary can be higher if you leave your camper unattended. However, this can also be easily avoided by simply closing the pop-top roof when you are not there.

➖ Costs for retrofitting

If you have your own camper that you would like to retrofit with a pop-top roof, this will of course incur costs. Especially if you have the conversion carried out by professionals rather than yourself. Whether this investment is worthwhile is a very individual decision.
Zwei junge Frauen sitzen lachend im Camper Aufstelldach und genießen die Sonne bevor sie mit ihrem Off Camper in den Urlaub fahren.

Retrofitting a pop-top roof: is it worth it?

Even campers that do not have a pop-top roof as standard can usually be retrofitted with one. If you own a camper but no longer have enough space, such an upgrade can be a good idea. Although professional installation by a specialist workshop can cost at least €5,000, it is still significantly cheaper than buying a new, larger camper. In addition, a well-installed pop-top roof also increases the resale value of your camper. What's more, customizing your own camper and turning it into your dream camper is simply a lot of fun.
Well-known manufacturers of pop-top roofs, which can also be retrofitted, include SCA and Reimo, which have suitable pop-top roofs in their range for almost all popular campers, from Citroën, Fiat, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot and Renault to Toyota and Volkswagen. The conversion work usually takes 2 to 6 days. However, because the process is complex, it is only carried out by a few car manufacturers in Germany, such as SCA Service.
To do this, the camper roof is first cut out to fit precisely: this requires dexterity, because if the cut-out is just a little too large, water can enter the vehicle later. After installing a special roof frame, the pop-up roof is fitted and painted. Air flaps, power connections etc. are also installed. Finally, the flap that separates the pop-up roof from the interior is fitted. Although the installation of a pop-top roof interferes with the structure of the camper, there is no need to worry about safety: If you have the retrofit carried out in a workshop, you will receive a TÜV-approved overall construction.
Some camping enthusiasts who are very skilled in their craft may even dare to retrofit the camper themselves. However, we recommend that you have this not entirely safe conversion carried out by experts to avoid problems and mistakes. You should always have the construction checked by an expert.
Campingplätze Dolomiten: Ein Camper mit aufgeklapptem Aufstelldach steht vor einer Bergkulisse in der Sonne

Setting up the camper pop-top roof: That's how it works

On some models, such as the Ocean (VW California Ocean), the pop-top roof can be raised automatically by an electric drive with a simple click via the on-board computer. In other models, for example our Palermo (Mercedes Marco Polo), it is raised by hand using muscle power. Here, gas struts help to keep the roof up. Alternatively, there are also pop-up roofs on camper vans, which are raised and lowered using a crank mechanism. Fortunately, thanks to an ingenious folding mechanism, none of these techniques create the mess that you might expect at first glance: The tent fabric automatically folds inwards when the tent roof is closed.
Here you can find helpful video instructions on pop-up roofs for some of our most popular camper models:
Ein junger Mann schaut beim Aufbauen seines Camper Aufstelldachs aus dem Fenster nach draußen.

Camper pop-top roof: solutions to common problems

🚐 Ocean - VW California Ocean: pop-top roof can no longer be opened or closed

If the pop-top roof in the Ocean can no longer be closed or opened, you can usually solve the problem with the following two easy methods:
  • Start the vehicle and drive a maximum of 50 meters at a maximum speed of 20 km/h. Then try again. If this does not work, you can pull the four 25 amp fuses at the bottom left of the steering wheel, which will restart the entire camper system.
  • You can plug the fuses back in after 10 minutes and then the roof should close or open again.
  • Caution: To prevent damage to the electrical system in the vehicle, the ignition, lights and all electrical consumers must always be switched off and the vehicle key removed from the ignition lock before changing a fuse. Open fuse boxes must also be protected against the ingress of dirt and moisture. Dirt and moisture in the fuse boxes can cause damage to the electrical system.
  • Here you will also find a video explanation of how to solve problems with the pop-up roof in the Ocean.
Ein weißer Off Camper mit Aufstelldach steht auf einer Wiese in einem Tal umgeben von Bergen und Wäldern.

🚐 Palermo - Mercedes Marco Polo: pop-top roof can no longer be closed

Sometimes it happens that the pop-up roof of the Palermo can no longer be closed. But don't panic: This is actually intentional and is due to a safety mechanism from Mercedes. This is the best way to proceed:
  • Push the gas strut back into place with a simple hand movement and let it click into place or, alternatively, press the button labeled 'Push' in the pop-up roof.
  • Now the roof should be super easy to retract again.

🚐 Algarve - Mooveo motorhome 700: Problem with the drop-down bed

The fold-down bed in our Algarve, the Mooveo motorhome 700, you can move the drop-down bed up and down with the key (turn the key) using the control element in the small cupboard next to the entrance door. If the drop-down bed cannot be moved up or down, simply follow the steps below:
  • Check that the main power switch is on and make sure that the equipment switch on the on-board computer next to the entrance area is activated.
  • Check if there is anything jammed under the bed that could block the movement
  • Check if the limit switch at the top of the ceiling is wedged in the silver rail
  • The bed should move normally again.

🚐 The seal of the pop-up roof is coming loose

Sometimes it can happen that the seal on the roof tent comes loose. This is not a problem at first. However, if it continues to come loose, it is best to simply visit a workshop: They can usually tighten the seal again using a special tool.
Aufstelldach nachrüsten: Das kann sich lohnen, um so schöne Ausblicke wie diesen zu bestaunen. Hier sitzt eine junge Frau mit Kaffeetasse im Aufstelldach und lächelt in die Kamera.

Conclusion on the pop-top roof for the camper

Apart from a few disadvantages, a pop-top roof in a camper van has many advantages: extra space, more comfort and many possible uses. For campers who are looking for a super flexible camping experience, a camper with a pop-top roof is a dream - and for those who want to sleep close to the stars.
Off to new adventures - with a pop-top roof! 💚
Eine dreiköpfige Familie liegt im Sommer im Aufstelldach ihres Campers und lacht in die Kamera.

FAQ: The most important questions about the camper pop-top roof

What is a pop-top roof?

A pop-top roof is a special roof for campers or motorhomes that can be folded up or raised to create additional space and headroom. It usually offers additional sleeping space and more flexibility.

Can I leave my bedding in the roof tent and then lower it?

You should not leave your bedding in the pop-up roof if you want to take it down. We recommend that you store them elsewhere. However, you can safely leave the sheets on the mattress.

How is the roof tent insulation attached to the pop-up roof?

Our roof tent insulation, which you can book as an optional extra with your rental, is very easy to attach. There are four loops at each corner of the roof tent insulation. Tighten the loops around the wing mirrors at the front and attach them to the rear of the trunk with the tailgate open.

How do I care for and maintain a camper pop-top roof?

As always, regular care and maintenance are important to keep your camper pop-top roof in good shape for a long time. For example, it is important to regularly check the seals of the pop-top roof. You can also make sure that the hinges and moving parts are always well lubricated so that you can put the pop-top roof on and take it off smoothly. If you notice any damaged parts or seals, it is best to have them replaced as soon as possible.

Is it worth retrofitting a camper with a pop-top roof?

Retrofitting a pop-top roof in your camper can be a great investment, especially if you are often on the road and appreciate the extra comfort and space. The decision ultimately depends on your individual needs and budget.

Which manufacturers offer pop-up camper roofs?

Pop-up roofs for campers are offered by various manufacturers. Some of the best known are Reimo and SCA. They have a large selection of roofs for many camper models. To find the right pop-up roof for your camper, we recommend that you compare different companies and offers.

How much does a pop-top roof for the camper cost?

The price of a retrofitted pop-top roof can vary considerably and depends on the type of roof and the vehicle model. You should generally expect a price of at least €5,000 to €10,000 for retrofitting a pop-top roof.

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